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How To Road Trip America

Modern Resources For Your Epic American Adventures

Let's Face It, There Is Truly A Right Way And

A Wrong Way To Take Road Trips....

We have all been there, and experienced a road trip done incorrectly, one that left you feeling stuck, hangry, tired and having missed out on many special experiences!

A road trip should never be this way, they should be exciting and leave you refreshed with new perspectives....when done right, even one road trip can be life changing!

Hitting the open road provides clarity, self discovery, new perspectives, strengthens relationships with loved ones and also countless special moments!

Road trips are symbolic of life, teaching us to live in the present and enjoy every moment of our journey rather than focusing solely on the destination!

Each adventure is full of different experiences that ultimately have the power to change your perspectives and act as catalysts for immense growth.




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"Planning the ultimate road trip lies within a balance of enough structure to provide direction with more of the experiences that you seek, yet not being too planned to allow the spontaneity of the open road."

Check Out Our Interview On Channel 7 News!

How To Road Trip America

A Modern Guide For Your Epic

American Adventures

Get My Full Ebook With Additional Resources Today!

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I wrote this book to not only inspire travelers to take more road trips, but also to ensure that each trip is an epic one!

I've experienced both sides, and I truly did not enjoy road trips until I learned how to take them properly. Road trips, just like anything else, involve the right balance of spontaneity and planning.

If you just wing it without planning, it will add stress and take away from having more of the experiences that you seek because of a lack of direction.

While too much planning can be rigid, which also makes you more destination focused. Too much planning doesn't allow special moments to unfold organically, like stopping and immersing yourself into the local culture.

Being destination focused leaves you hangry and tired, having missed out on the experiences and opportunities to

connect with others.

Taking a road trip the right way is symbolic of life, involving being present and enjoying the journey.

Road trips are best taken when you immerse yourself in each region and culture, the local food and truly experience what each area offers.

A road trip provides freedom and each one should be a trip of exploration, self growth, activities, and more!

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My name is Jonathan Simos, I am an entrepreneur

and author who is passionate about connecting

and empowering other travelers. I hope you enjoy

my book and I wish you many epic adventures!


Check Out Some Of Our Reviews!

Our family recently got into the whole road trip thing and this book made our last road trip so much more enjoyable than the previous 5. Not only was the book informative but it also had some humor, pictures and personal stories from the author. The book even includes talking points and thought provoking questions to make

your road trip more interesting.

-Djamel Joachin

I received this book as a gift and I couldn’t be more excited! The experiences, tips, and tricks the author shares are truly insightful.

I’ve been guilty of choosing to fly to a destination instead of driving, but after reading this book (just once so far!) I am already planning a road trip up north to visit family. I will definitely be utilizing the tools provided within this book for years to come.

-Jean S

Great book! Super informative, fun and creative. Filled with questions to inspire personal thought and self reflection if on your journey solo, or promote conversation with a group. My favorite part of the book is the section on mindfulness. Definitely worth purchasing :)


How To Road Trip America

Inside Of This eBook You'll Discover...

  • Self Discovery, Self Growth

  • Strengthen Relationships

  • Get you out of old routines, free of obligation and expectation.

  • Relieve Stress

  • Allow you to be spontaneous

  • Experience Special moments

  • ​Photographic Opportunities

  • Memories for a lifetime

  • Independence and Self-Reliance

  • ​Sense of Adventure and Discovery

  • Expand Your Horizons

  • Mental Clarity and perspective

  • How To Meet New People

  • ​And MUCH more!

  • ​Comprehensive Planning Resources

  • Route creation simplified

  • ​Rules and Guidelines To Follow

  • Packing Checklists

  • How To maximize Trips In Every Way!

  • Questions For Conversation

  • Budget-Friendly Advice

  • ​Pricing Details

  • Games To Play

  • How To Time Block

It’s time for your next road trip!

All you have to do is grab your guide, plan your trip, hit the road and use it to ensure your trip is an epic one! We have Every single tip, trick, secret, and time-tested strategy for YOUR journey. 

These American Roads are ready for YOU!

Inside Your eBook Copy Of:

“How To Road Trip America”

You’re gonna LOVE this! Here’s just a taste of what you will learn and experience

inside How To Road Trip America

Simplifying the Planning Process

Use our system of some simple steps to plan the trip of a lifetime!

26 Road Trip Commandments

Rules and Guidelines to Follow, such as: "Don't drive more than 500 miles in one day," or " Stop every 2 hours and immerse yourself in the local culture ."

How To Take Advantage Of Downtime and Time Block

Offering Games to play, questions to ask yourself on solo trips for self discovery, or lists for your partner and friends to strength relationships.

Technology To Use, Music Lists

Recommended Apps, Music playlists, and more!

Packing Checklists

Packing checklists and recommended preset bags to make for easy packing.

Road Trippin Through History

History of road trips and education for you to gain a deeper appreciation.

Roughing It

How to be as resourceful as possible within different trip dynamics.

The Nitty Gritty

Essentials, Accommodations, Associated Costs and more.

The Art Of Being

How to Maximize solo road trips and gain self discovery and new perspectives.

The Art Of Conversation

How to let conversations flow organically on road trips, along with prompts to encourage deep discussions.

Fun Facts and Much More!

Fun facts about the U.S and Road Trips and much more.

How To Create Themes For Your Trip

In order to maximize your overall experience, we teach you how to create a theme for your trip based around what you want to experience, and much more!

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